Sunday, May 19, 2024

[DMANET] MathSport Asia - call for papers

MathSport Asia 2024 will be held from December 9, 2024 to December 11, 2024 and will be hosted by the Indian Institute of Management Udaipur at Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. It is a follow-up conference for the inaugural 2018 MathSport Asia conference, which was held in Jamshedpur (India). A unique feature of the conference is that apart from the academic/ technical sessions there will be talks every evening by leading sports analytics practitioners from India.

MathSport Asia seeks to promote the application of mathematics and statistics to all aspects of sports by bringing together various stakeholders: academicians, sports people, sports bodies, industry, sports academies, sports leagues and the government.

We invite you to participate in the Mathsport Asia 2024 International Conference. We invite you to submit abstracts, competitive papers and working papers. Some of the important topics include:

* Mathematical Models in Sports

* Optimization in Sports

* Statistics and Probability Models

* Match Outcome Models

* Game Theoretical Models

* E-sports (gaming)

* Econometric Modeling of Sports

* Betting and Sports

* Sports Management

* Para Sports

* Role of AI in Sports

However, call for abstracts/papers are not limited to the sub-topics mentioned above. Papers that address any aspect of sports using computational/ mathematical/ statistical analytical approaches are welcome.

Keynote speakers:

* Young Hoon Lee - Professor of Economics, Sogang University, South Korea

* Phil Scarf - Professor of Management Mathematics, Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom

* Dries Goossens - Professor of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Belgium

* Ramakrishnan 'Ramky' Subramanian - CEO, SportsMechanics India

Abstract submission:

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of at most 2000 characters (space included). Abstracts should mention 3-5 keywords and should be written in English.

Abstracts must be submitted through the Microsoft CMT

For more information regarding Conference Proceedings of full papers, check the conference website:

Important dates:

Abstract Submission opens: May 15 2024.

Abstract Submission deadline: July 15 2024

Intimation of Acceptance/ Rejection: July 29 2024.

Early registration begins: August 1 2024

Early registration deadline: October 31 2024

Conference: December 9-11 2024

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