Thursday, May 16, 2024

[DMANET] FRICO 2024 Announcement

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce that the 27th edition of the Workshop on Future
Research in Combinatorial Optimization (FRICO) will take place from
September 9th to September 13th, 2024 at Otto von Guericke University in
Magdeburg, Germany. More information about FRICO 2024 can be found on
our website:

FRICO aims to network doctoral students from research areas in and
adjacent to combinatorial optimization, including:

* Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
* Approximation Algorithms
* (Mixed Integer) Linear and Non-Linear Optimization
* Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
* Scheduling
* Randomized Algorithms
* Online Optimization

Each participant will be assigned a slot for a 20-minute presentation or
a 5-minute elevator pitch talk. It is especially encouraged to present
ongoing research and open problems.

Thanks to our sponsors, FRICO does not have a conference fee. Moreover,
our sponsors will provide insights into applied optimization and career
prospects during the workshop.

The registration will be open between May 13th and July 14th, 2024. More
information, in particular regarding the registration, will follow. In
case of any questions, please feel free to contact us at

We hope to see you at FRICO 2024!

Best regards,

Sarah Feldmann, Kirill Kukharenko, Jannik Trappe, Ekin Ergen, Lennart
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