Friday, May 24, 2024

[DMANET] Online Course on Extremal Combinatorics Sept-Dec 2024

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce a hybrid course on Extremal Combinatorics at the University of Victoria that will be made available for remote participation through the PIMS Network Wide Courses Program ( The course is aimed at PhD, Master's and advanced undergraduate students with some prior experience in discrete mathematics and combinatorics.

This course covers classical problems and modern techniques in extremal set theory and extremal graph theory. Topics may include intersection theorems, antichains and shadows, VC-Dimension, the Littlewood–Offord Problem, Kneser's conjecture, Turán problems, supersaturation, stability, regularity and removal lemmas, Shannon capacity, independent sets in triangle-free graphs, entropy methods, and containers.

The course will run during Sep 4-Dec 4, 2024 every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30am-11:20am (Pacific Time). The lectures will be delivered on chalkboards captured using two ceiling mounted cameras, broadcast through a Zoom meeting and recorded. Zoom participants will be able to interact by asking questions, answering poll questions, etc. The course webpage is; there, you can find a link to a draft version of the lecture notes. More information will be added later.

Graduate students who are based at any Canadian PIMS member university can register in the course for credit through the Western Dean's Agreement; see Students from other universities are welcome to attend lectures and/or work on assignments, projects and exams; it may be possible to get credit for the course, but this depends on the policies of your home university. Note that we will only be able to grade the work of students who are officially registered for the course at UVic or a PIMS member university. Anyone who is interested in participating should contact me at to request the Zoom link.

Best wishes,
Jonathan Noel
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