Wednesday, May 22, 2024

[DMANET] Fulkerson 100 workshop: University of Waterloo (Jul 17-19, 2024)

The Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization (C&O) at the University of Waterloo is hosting a 3-day research workshop, Fulkerson 100, from July 17-19, 2024 ( in honor of Ray Fulkerson's centenary year of birth. Fulkerson was one of the leading figures in combinatorial optimization, and his seminal work has had a profound and lasting impact in shaping the fields of combinatorial optimization and Operations Research.
(This is the Wed-Fri of the week right before ISMP 2024 in Montreal.)

The workshop will feature invited talks ( by distinguished researchers in the areas of graph theory, combinatorics, optimization, and theoretical computer science (TCS). It will also feature lightning talks and a poster session to showcase research by students and postdocs. We hope to bring together a wide variety of researchers in discrete mathematics, while (implicitly) commemorating Fulkerson's vision and contributions.

We welcome you to join us for this event.

The link for registration is here:
As part of registration, students and postdocs can indicate whether they would like to present a lightning talk and poster at the event. (There is some limited funding to help support the participation of students and postdocs who are in need.)

Please contact, or one of the organizers, regarding any questions.

Organizers: Joseph Cheriyan, Bertrand Guenin, and Chaitanya Swamy (Chair, C&O)

Dept. of Combinatorics & Optimization
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CANADA

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