Friday, May 24, 2024

[DMANET] SEA 2024: Second Call for Participation - early bird rates available until May 31

* SEA 2024: 22nd Symposium on Experimental Algorithms *
* Vienna, Austria *
* July 24-26, 2024 *
* *

SEA aims to attract papers from the Computer Science community, the
Operations Research/Mathematical Programming community and any other
scientific community that is concerned with the main theme of the
symposium, namely the role of experimentation and of algorithm engineering
techniques in the design and evaluation of algorithms and data structures.
Submissions should present significant contributions supported by
experimental evaluation, methodological issues in the design and
interpretation of experiments, the use of (meta-)heuristics, or
application-driven case studies that deepen the understanding of the
complexity of a problem.
A main goal of SEA is also the creation of a friendly environment that can
lead to and ease the establishment or strengthening of scientific
collaborations and exchanges among attendees.


- Pascal Schweitzer (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- Yllka Velaj (University of Vienna, Austria)





*Early registration: May 31, 2024*
*Late registration: July 3, 2024*
Afterwards, only on-site registration is possible.

Registration fees:
Student registration
early: EUR 300
late: EUR 350
on site: EUR 400

Regular registration
early: EUR 415
late: EUR 465
on site: EUR 515

The fee covers the following:
- Welcome reception
- Attendance to all sessions and invited talks
- Coffee breaks
- Lunches
- Social Event: a visit to the United Nations Office
- Conference Dinner at a traditional Viennese Heurigen restaurant

It is necessary for at least one co-author of each accepted paper to
register to the conference in order for the paper to be included in the
proceedings book.
Extra tickets covering the Social Event and Conference Dinner for
accompanying persons will be available in June.

Payment is by credit card or bank transfer. Student registration covers the
same as regular registration. Note that a participant must be a full-time
student in order to benefit from the reduced fee (a certificate or
equivalent proof will have to be uploaded during the registration process).


We thank our sponsors:

- Vienna Convention Bureau
- Google Research

If you have any questions about the conference organization, including the
registration procedure, please email us at
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* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.