Summer School on Lower Bounds 2015
The program of the school will consist of three tutorial series related to
lower bounds. The late Monday afternoon is devoted to presentations of own
research by some of the junior participants of the workshop. We expect the
talks to include a fair amount of technical details. The workshop will also
include plenty of time for discussions.
Tutorial speakers
Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen (Aarhus U.): Boolean circuits and polynomials
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (TIFR, Mumbai): Multiparty Communication Complexity
Ryan Williams (Stanford U.): Algorithms as Lower Bounds
Date and location
Date: June 28 - July 1, 2015, lectures start on Sunday morning and end by
Wednesday morning session
Location: Horomerice (near Prague, Czech Republic)
Organizers (contact person): Michal Koucky (Charles University).
A limited amount of funding is available to support junior participans of the
school. Interested graduate students and postdocs are invited to apply to
attend the school by April 15, 2015. They should send their name, affiliation,
status (student/postdoc) by email to and arrange with
their supervisor to send a supporting letter to the above address. Questions
should be directed to the same address.
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