Wednesday, January 10, 2018

[DMANET] Second International Workshop on Bilevel Programming, Abstract Submission deadline extended : January, 15, 2018

Call for Papers
Second International Workshop on Bilevel Programming
INRIA Lille-Nord Europe, France
June 18-22, 2018

The main motivation for hosting IWOBIP'18 is to bring together a group of academics, practitioners, and researchers interested in Bilevel Optimization. It is also meant to attract young researchers and graduated students (master and Ph.D. students) who are specializing in this topic.

Bilevel Programming is a fairly recent branch of optimization that deals with programs whose constraints embed an auxiliary optimization problem. Bilevel programs are pervasive and are commonly found in a number of real-world problems. This includes problems in the domains of transportation, energy, economics, decision science, environmental economics, security, etc.

In addition to contributed presentations, IWOBIP'18 will consist of plenary lectures and mini-courses, both given by world-renowned researchers. Mini-courses will be given from June 18 to June 19 noon.
The workshop will take place from June 19 noon to June 22 .

The following topics are among the ones of interest to IWOBIP'18: theory, exact methods, heuristic algorithms and applications modeled as bilevel programming problems. An important goal of the conference is to foster new collaborations and joint projects. We, therefore, encourage the presentation of ongoing projects and recent results.

The city of Lille, located in the north of France, is easily reachable by plane (Lesquin Airport) or by train from the airports of Brussels (about 1 hour) or Paris (50 minutes from Charles De Gaulle Airport).

Lille offers a wide variety of tourist, recreational and cultural activities, which undoubtedly will make the stay more attractive during the workshop.

Paper submission
Papers submitted for presentation at the conference will be selected on the basis of extended abstracts of maximum 3 pages which will be reviewed by the international program committee.
Further information and instructions on how to submit a paper can be obtained on the conference web site: .

Important dates

Abstract Submission deadline extended : January, 15, 2018

Notification of acceptance: February, 16, 2018
Early registration deadline: March 16, 2018
Conference dates: June 18-22, 2018

Conference co-chairs
Luce Brotcorne , Martine Labbé

Conference information
Conference web site: .

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