Just before ECCO 2018, from June 12 to June 13, the Swiss Operations Research Days 2018 take place at the University of Bern (very close to Fribourg). For more information, please visit the webpage: http://www.pqm.unibe.ch/services/or_days_2018/.
European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO) 2018
To be held at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
From June 14th to June 16th, 2018
ECCO is a working group of EURO (Association of European Operation Research Societies) that provides an excellent opportunity to discuss recent and important issues in Combinatorial Optimization and its applications.
Topics of interest
- theory and applications of combinatorial optimization
- exact solution algorithms, approximation algorithms, heuristics and meta-heurtistics for combinatorial optimization problems
- integer programming, global optimzation, stochastic integer programming, multi-objective programming, graph theory and network flows
- application areas include logistics and supply chain optimization, manufacturing, energy production and distribution, land consolidation, telecommunications, bioinformatics, finance, dicrete
tomography, discrete and hybrid dynamical systems and other fields
Invited speakers
Yves Crama, HEC Liège
John B. Gauci, University of Malta
Christos H. Papadimitriou, University of California at Berkeley
Daniel Kuhn, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Important dates
Submissions: from January 15th to March 16th 2018
Notification of acceptance: April 9th 2018
Deadline for early registration: April 30th 2018
Deadline for author registration (for inclusion in the program): May 15th 2018
Deadline for late registration: May 31st 2018
Conference: From June 14th to June 16th 2018
Website: https://ecco2018.euro-online.org/index.html
Prof. Dr. Bernard Ries
University of Fribourg - Department of Informatics
Decision Support & Operations Research Group
Bd. de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg
Phone : +41 26 300 83 33 - Fax: +41 26 300 97 26
Email: bernard.ries@unifr.ch
Personal homepage
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