Monday, December 28, 2009

IBM Research 2010 Raviv Postdoctoral Fellowship

2010 Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computer Science and
Computer Engineering

IBM Research is proud to announce the 2010 Josef Raviv Memorial
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computer Science and Computer Engineering in
memory of Dr. Josef Raviv, the founder and director of the IBM Research -
Haifa laboratory. Dr. Raviv had a distinguished research career in
Information Theory and was a pioneer in the Israeli high-tech industry.

IBM will offer one postdoctoral fellowship to a recent Ph.D. who shows
exceptional promise for a research career in computer science or computer
engineering. The fellowship will be for one year, with an opportunity for
IBM to renew for an additional year conditional on funding availability.
The stipend will be at least $100,000 (may be prorated if an IBM Research
lab outside the U.S. is selected) plus reasonable moving and travel
expenses. A candidate must have received a Ph.D. degree between January
2006 and August 2010.

Depending on proposed collaborations, the Fellow will spend most of
his/her time at a laboratory of his/her choice from one of IBM's Research
laboratories that include: Almaden  (San Jose, California, USA), Austin
(Texas, USA), China  (Beijing), Haifa  (Israel), India  (Delhi or
Bangalore), Tokyo  (Japan), Thomas J. Watson  (Westchester County, New
York, or Cambridge, MA, USA), Zurich  (Switzerland). The Fellow will be
free to follow his/her own research interests, but is expected to work
closely with other IBM researchers. Applicants are encouraged to identify
IBM Research groups working in their area of interest.

Application requirements
To apply, please submit these documents by January 31, 2010:
Resume (include contact e-mail, postal address and phone number).
Thesis summary (one-page maximum).
Research proposal (no more than two pages, if possible).
Indicate the proposed lab. If you know of a specific group(s) which you
would like to join and/or researcher(s) you would like to work with,
indicate that as well. If there are multiple groups, list at most three.
Reprint of applicant's most significant research publications.
Three (3) reference letters, including one from the Ph.D. thesis advisor.
Letters should be sent directly by recommenders to:

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all required materials
arrive by January 31, 2010. All documents must contain the applicant's
name and email address (we prefer information as PDF or Word documents)
and be sent to:

A committee of IBM researchers co-chaired by Jose Moreira (T.J. Watson)
and Phokion Kolaitis (Almaden) will select the Fellow.

Applicants will be notified by March 31, 2010. The fellowship begins
September 7, 2010, unless another date is agreed upon.

For more information about the breadth of our activities, visit IBM