Second Call for Papers
4th Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO 2011)
Szczecin, Poland, 19-21 September, 2011
satellite workshop of 6th International Symposium Advances in
Artificial Intelligence and Applications
FedCSIS - 2011
We invite original contributions related with both theoretical and
practical aspects of optimization methods.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
* unconstrained and constrained optimization
* combinatorial optimization
* global optimization
* multiobjective optimization
* optimization in dynamic and/or noisy environments
* large scale optimization
* parallel and distributed approaches in optimization
* random search algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and
other derivative free optimization methods
* nature inspired optimization methods (evolutionary algorithms,
ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, immune
artificial systems etc)
* hybrid optimization algorithms involving natural computing
techniques and other global and local optimization methods
* optimization methods for learning processes and data mining
* computational optimization methods in statistics, econometrics,
finance, physics, medicine, biology, engineering etc
Important dates:
31.05.2011 (May 31, 2011) – Full paper submission
30.06.2011 (June 12, 2011) – Notification of acceptance
30.07.2011 (July 30, 2011) – Camera-ready version of the accepted paper
Submission and Publication
* Authors should submit draft papers (as Postscript, PDF of MSWord file)
* The total length of a paper should not exceed 8 pages (IEEE style).
IEEE style templates are available at
* Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their
scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
* Accepted and Presented paper will be published in the Conference
Proceedings and included in the IEEE Xplore database and indexed in
* Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference
will be published as Special Issue of Transactions on Computational
Collective Intelligence (TCCI).
Program Committee
* Janez Brest, University of Maribor, Slovenia
* Jouni Lampinen, University of Vaasa, Finland
* Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore
* Michael Vrahatis, University of Patras, Greece
* Hideaki Iiduka, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
* Patrick Siarry, Universite Paris XII Val de Marne, France
* Dirk Arnold, Dalhousie University, Canada
* Kenneth Price, US
* Antanas Zilinskas, Research Institute of Mathematics and
Informatics, Lithuania
* Radomil Matousek, University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
* Kalin Penev, Southampton Solent University, UK
* Tomas Stuetzle, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
* Hiroshi Hosobe, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
* Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, US
* Joaquim Judice, University of Coimbra, Portugal
* Juan Enrique Martinez Legaz, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
* Krzysztof Sikorski, University of Utah, USA
Organizing Committee
* Stefka Fidanova, Bulgaria
* Josef Tvrdik, Czech Republic
* Daniela Zaharie, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Stefka Fidanova
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25A
1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Ph. +359-2-9796642
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