LIP computer science research department at École Normale Supérieure de
Lyon is offering a postdoctoral position for the academic year 2011-2012.
LIP is a joint department with CNRS, INRIA, ENS and UCBL (U. Lyon). LIP
main strength is the creative interaction between long-term
fundamental research, innovative software and hardware design, and
transfer through industrial collaborations. This interaction provides a
unique research context and fosters new trends, both theoretical and
practical, with two main transverse areas:
* Mathematical computer science models, methods, and algorithms;
* Addressing the challenges of future computational and communication
Applications will be taken into consideration until June 17th in all areas
covered by the 8 LIP research teams:
* ARENAIRE (Computer Arithmetic), project leader Florent de Dinechin
* AVALON (Algorithms and Software Architectures for Service Oriented
Platforms), project leader Frédéric Desprez
* COMPSYS (Compilation and Embedded Computing Systems), project leader
Alain Darte
* D-NET (Dynamic Network), project leader Éric Fleury
* MC2 (Models of Computation and Complexity), project leaders Pascal
Koiran and Éric Thierry
* PLUME (programs and proofs), project leader Olivier Laurent
* RESO (Optimized protocols and software for high performance networks),
project leader Paulo Gonçalves
* ROMA (Resource Optimization : Models, Algorithms and Scheduling),
project leader Frédéric Vivien
See for further informations.
The procedure to apply, *until June 17th*, is the following:
* The position will last one year, starting on *september the first,
The candidate should hold a PhD at that date.
* The candidate should contact the scientific leader of one of the 8
teams, in order to check that her/his application is sensible.
* After receiving an acknowledgment from the scientific leader, the
candidate should send an application file consisting in:
- a letter describing the scientific project, the LIP research team the
candidate is applying to should clearly appear;
- a scientific CV (3-4 pages long, a link to a web page where
publications and software are made available is welcome).
Applications should be sent to, cc,
Nicolas Brisebarre
Arénaire, LIP, ENS Lyon
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* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.