Monday, March 5, 2012

[DMANET] Postdoc position in mathematical programming

The Operations Research Group at RWTH Aachen University, Germany,
invites applications for a post-doc position in mathematical
optimization for one year, covered by a google research grant.

The project is about algorithmically exploiting structure in
mathematical programs.

"Structure" is interpreted in a very broad sense; it can be present
in the problem (like a hierarchical, geographical, or temporal
decomposition); it can be present in the mechanics of a model; it
can be present in the mathematics behind the problem. Our group is
working on algorithmically detecting such structures, and this
project is about finding new ways of exploiting such structures when
solving hard mathematical programs. Example fields of interest are
detecting symmetries, branching rules that exploit problem
knowledge, and options for parallelizing branch-and-bound

The successful candidate demonstrates an excellent knowledge of
mathematical programming, both, from a theoretical and a practical
view. A considerable portion of the project is experimental in
nature, thus, algorithm engineering knowledge and very good
implementation skills are a must. We consider the following items as
very welcome and helpful: Experience with the SCIP framework; solid
understanding of decomposition algorithms (Benders, Dantzig-Wolfe,
Lagrange); solid algorithmic background; at least one mathematical
interest outside integer programming. The candidate will closely
collaborate with the team working on the automation of decomposition
algorithms in integer programming.

A qualified Ph.D. degree in mathematics, computer science or a
related discipline is required.

The position is full-time and for one year. The position is open
immediately; the starting date is negotiable. Salary is according to
the German TV-L E13 tariff (starts at about 3100 Euros/month gross).
Depending on the project's success, a grant application for a second
year is possible.

Please send your application in a single PDF file containing an
academic CV, list of publications, letter of motivation, and any
other supporting material no later than

March 25, 2012


Prof. Dr. Marco Luebbecke

If already available, please attach a PDF file of your Ph.D.\ thesis
as well. Applications reaching us by the above date will receive
full consideration, however, the search remains open until the
position is filled.

Questions can be directed to the same address anytime.

Prof. Dr. Marco Lübbecke
RWTH Aachen University
Chair of Operations Research phone: +49 241 80-93362
Kackertstrasse 7 fax: +49 241 80-92369
D-52072 Aachen
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