"Towards a Science of Cyber Security"
Cyber systems are ubiquitous in modern society. Examples of such systems
include communication systems, critical infrastructure control and
management systems, defense and homeland security command, control and
intelligence systems. The integrity of cyber systems is critical for
maintaining a functioning society. However, in spite of substantial
investment of human and financial capital for design of robust and secure
cyber systems over the years, the current systems are still vulnerable on
many fronts. Ensuring cyber-security is a complex task, as it has to deal
with strategies developed by ingenious agents determined to penetrate and
disrupt systems by exploiting vulnerabilities at multiple layers of the
protocol stack. Most current approaches to cyber-security are reactive and
attempt to solve the security issues in an ad-hoc manner. Clearly, ad-hoc
approaches can only provide ad-hoc fixes, without shedding any deep
insight on the nature of the security problem. In order to identify
foundational principles of cyber security, a strategic research approach
is absolutely essential. Tools and techniques from related disciplines of
network science, graph theory, game theory, control theory, coding theory,
algorithms and complexity theory, machine learning, statistical mechanics,
data mining, dynamical systems, computational sociology and others have
the potential to help develop a comprehensive science of cyber security.
We invite authors to submit original research and review articles that
explore and develop novel methods to fight cyber attacks that go beyond
traditional single-point signature based anomaly detection schemes.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Online Social Network Analysis Methods
* Internet-scale measurement and analysis of online communities
* Multi-protocol interaction graphs
* Diffusion/Percolation theoretic analysis of attack propagation
* Statistical properties of temporal interaction graphs
* Cyber-physical systems used for command and control
* Formal methods motivated by advances in game theory, social and
behavioral sciences
* Novel tools and modeling environments
If you are interested in submitting an article, please see more details at
Paper submission: June 8, 2012
Acceptance notification: August 31, 2012
Final papers: October 18, 2012
Guest Editors
Stephan Eidenbenz (eidenben@lanl.gov)
Madhav Marathe (mmarathe@vbi.vt.edu)
Arun Sen (asen@asu.edu)
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
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