Tuesday, April 10, 2012

[AofA 2012] Call for Participation

(Apologies for multiple postings)

The 23rd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms will be held at the CRM in Montreal, Canada, on June 17--22, 2012.


Analysis of algorithms is a scientific basis for computation, providing a link between abstract algorithms and the performance characteristics of their implementations in the real world. The general effort to precisely predict the performance of algorithms has come to involve research in analytic combinatorics, the analysis of random discrete structures, asymptotic analysis, exact and limiting distributions, and other fields of inquiry in computer science, probability theory, and enumerative combinatorics. (see http://aofa.cs.purdue.edu)

Michael Drmota (TU Vienna, Austria)
Svante Janson (Uppsala, Sweden)
Amin Coja-Oghlan (Warwick, UK)
Claire Mathieu (Brown, USA)
Avi Wigderson (IAS, USA)

The fees amount to CAD $170 and the registration can be done online at either of the following webpages:


Nicolas Broutin, Inria, France
Luc Devroye, McGill, Canada

Frédérique Bassino, Paris 13, France
Jit Bose, Carleton, Canada
Nicolas Broutin (co-chair), Inria, France
Philippe Chassaing, Nancy, France
Julien Clément, Caen, France
Luc Devroye (co-chair), McGill, Canada
Uriel Feige, Weizmann, Israel
Alan Frieze, Carnegie-Mellon, USA
Bernhard Gittenberger, TU Vienna, Austria
Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Philippe Jacquet, Inria, France
Colin McDiarmid, Oxford, UK
Mike Molloy, Toronto, Canada
Ralph Neininger, Frankfurt, Germany
Marc Noy, Barcelona, Spain
Daniel Panario, Carleton, Canada
Alois Panholzer, TU Vienna, Austria
Bruno Salvy, Inria, France
Mohit Singh, McGill, Canada
Brigitte Vallée, Caen, France
Mark Ward, Purdue, USA

Brigitte Chauvin (Versailles, France)
Luc Devroye (McGill, Canada)
Michael Drmota (TU Vienna, Austria)
Daniel Panario (Carleton, Canada)
Robert Sedgewick (Princeton, USA)
Wojciech Szpankowski (Purdue, USA)
Brigitte Vallée (Caen, France)