New Jersey Institute of Technology
College of Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Two positions for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in Cyber Security
We invite applications for two tenured/tenure track positions beginning Fall 2015. The candidates should work on cyber security. Specifically, the first position will focus on software security, with expertise in areas that include: software assurance/verification/validation/certification, static and dynamic software analysis, malware analysis, security and privacy of mobile systems and apps. The second position will focus on network and systems security, with expertise in areas that include: networked systems and cloud computing security, security of critical infrastructure systems and emerging technologies such as IoT and wearable devices, application of machine learning techniques in network/system security.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. by summer 2015 in a relevant discipline, and should have an excellent academic record, exceptional potential for world-class research, and a commitment to both undergraduate and graduate education. The successful candidate will contribute to and enhance existing research and educational programs that relate to the cyber security as well as participate in our planned Cyber Security Center. Prior work experience or research collaboration with government/industry and a strong record of recent sponsored research represent a plus.
We are committed to building a diverse faculty and strongly encourage applications from women candidates.
To apply:
1. Go to, click on Search Postings and then enter the following posting numbers: 0602424 for the Secure Software position, and 0602426 for the Network and Systems Security Position.
2. Create your application, and upload your cover letter, CV, Research Statement, and Teaching Statement on that site. The CV must include at least three names along with contact information for references.
The applications will be evaluated as they are received and accepted until the positions are filled.