Wednesday, January 14, 2015

[DMANET] Postdoc position at NC State University

The Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University
invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scholar. The researcher
will focus on obtaining results in theoretical computer science and graph
theory relevant to the initiatives engaged by Dr. Blair D. Sullivan's group
(Theory in Practice), currently funded by DARPA and the Moore Foundation.
For more information, please see

Research areas may include (but are not limited to) fixed-parameter
algorithms, approximation schemes, and results in structural graph theory
(e.g. graph width parameters). The scholar will help identify and tackle
key challenges in improving the practicality of structural graph approaches
and fixed parameter algorithms for network data analysis. This is an
excellent opportunity for a dynamic junior researcher who is interested in
engaging in algorithms research with an interdisciplinary focus.

The postdoc's responsibilities will include the development of novel
algorithms and theoretical results in support of data-driven discovery
under the supervision of Dr. Sullivan, supervised mentoring of graduate and
undergraduate students working with the Theory in Practice research group,
and writing joint grant proposals with the PI. With mutual consent, the
position may also include light teaching responsibilities in theory-related
courses in the computer science department in order to establish teaching
experience for future jobs.

A PhD in computer science, mathematics, or related field is required before
the starting date of the position. A successful candidate will have
demonstrated expertise in theoretical computer science, experience in at
least one programming language (e.g. C/C++, Python), and excellent writing
and communication skills. Women and members of under-represented minority
groups are particularly encouraged to apply. The starting date is

For more information on the position, please see

Official applications must be submitted via:
Informal inquiries by email to Dr. Sullivan ( are

Blair D. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
North Carolina State University
(919) 513-0453

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