We invite applications for a
Post Doctoral Researcher
and up to three
Ph.D. Student Positions
in the area of algorithmic graph theory at the research group "Logic
and Semantics", directed by Prof. Stephan Kreutzer at the Technical
University Berlin. See http://logic.las.tu-berlin.de/Jobs/erc2016.html.
The positions are fully funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant "DISTRUCT
- Structure Theory for Directed Graphs"
(see https://erc.europa.eu/projects-and-results/erc-funded-projects/distruct for project details).
The start date is negotiable, it can be started immediately or at a later date,
preferably no later then 1 July 2016.
Applicants should have a solid background in theoretical
computer science/discrete mathematics and a strong interest in at
least one of the following (or related) topics:
- structural graph theory
- algorithmic graph theory
- parameterized algorithms and complexity
- logical approaches to graph theory
The PI of the project is Prof. Stephan Kreutzer, the head of the Logic
and Semantics Research Group in the Computer Science Department of the
Technical University Berlin.
The main research focus of the group is algorithmic graph structure
theory and research combining logical techniques and graph theory.
Besides the four researchers that will work on the ERC project, the group
consists of three additional Ph.D. students and a postdoc.
Successful candidates will therefore be embedded into a larger group
working on related topics which provides a lively and active
research environment. In addition, the TU Berlin hosts several other groups in related areas, for instance the group of Prof. Niedermeier working mostly on
parameterized algorithms as well as several related groups in the
mathematics department. Furthermore, the research group actively
participates in the Berlin Mathematical School and the Berlin Graduate
School "Methods for Discrete Structures" which add to the lively
research environment at the TU Berlin.
The successful Ph.D. candidates will receive a salary according to
TV-L 13, the standard rate for Ph.D. students at German
universities. The salary of the Post Doc is slightly
higher. Furthermore, the project has sufficient travel money available
to support conference and workshop attendance as well as research
visits to other groups internationally.
The application deadline is 31 December 2016. Late applications might
be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Applications should be submitted electronically to
stephan.kreutzer@tu-berlin.de or in writing to
Stephan Kreutzer
Technische Universität Berlin
Sekr TEL 7-3
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin
Stephan Kreutzer Professor of Computer Science
Chair for Logic and Semantics
Technical University Berlin
Phone: +49 30 314 29088
EMail: stephan.kreutzer@tu-berlin.de
Web: http://logic.las.tu-berlin.de
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