Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI – <>) is a new, ambitious Centre for Advanced Studies and PhD School established in L'Aquila (Italy).
The Computer Science Area of GSSI ( <>) invites expressions of interest for permanent positions at the level of Full or Associate Professor, and for tenure track (Ricercatore TD – B), and temporary (Ricercatore TD – A) research assistants. Highly qualified candidates with a strong research background in the following fields: cryptography, network security, algorithms, and software engineering are encouraged to apply. The Institute is particularly interested in (potential) leaders of multi-disciplinary research groups in the above fields.
Candidates must have an excellent record of publications, a clear potential to promote and lead research activities, and a specific interest in teaching at the postgraduate level to skilled students recruited internationally.
Applicants should submit their expression of interest by sending
- a motivation letter in which also the position(s) of interest are specified,
- a curriculum vitae,
- a list of publications,
- a brief research statement.
Applications (and questions regarding the application process) must be submitted in electronic form, preferably by April 1st 2017, to <>.
Please note that this is not a permanent job vacancy advertisement. The expressions of interest received will contribute to the decision of the Gran Sasso Science Institute whether or not to open official calls, their number and the selection procedures.
1- Duties
Teaching post-graduate courses, leading internal seminar and tutoring PhD students. All activities are in English.
2- Salary
The salary will be determined on a personal basis, also taking into account past positions covered abroad. Indicative figures of the gross amount for starting (minimum) salary are:
- Professor (prima fascia) € 72.431
- Associate Professor (seconda fascia) € 50.831
- Assistant Professor, tenure track (ricercatori TD – B) € 34.898
- Assistant Professor, no tenure track (ricercatori TD – A) € 34.898
Net income may vary depending on income taxes, local taxes, retirement plan, health care deduction and tax exemptions. Professors who have held a tenured position outside Italy for more than three years (at the corresponding level) might be eligible for a partial recognition of past services, depending on specific legal constraints.
Prof. Michele Flammini
Department of Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics
University of L'Aquila
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