ICALP 2018 - First Call for Papers
The 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and
Programming (ICALP) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, on July
9-13, 2018.
ICALP is the main conference and annual meeting of the European
Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS). As usual, ICALP
will be preceded by a series of workshops, which will take place on
July 9.
As a new feature, ICALP 2018 will include brief announcements intended
as a venue for short papers, work in progress or work presented
elsewhere. See submission guidelines below.
Important dates
Submission deadline: Friday February 16, 2018
Notification: Sunday April 15, 2018
Final manuscript due: Friday May 4, 2018
Early registration deadline: Thursday May 31, 2018
Workshops: Monday July 9, 2018
Main conference: July 10-13, 2018
Deadlines are firm; late submissions will not be considered.
Invited Speakers
Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles Univ, CZ)
Alexander Schwarzmann (Univ of Connecticut, US)
Sam Staton (Oxford Univ, UK)
Submissions and Proceedings
ICALP proceedings are published in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series. This is a series of
high-quality conference proceedings across all fields in informatics
established in cooperation with Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for
Informatics. LIPIcs volumes are published according to the principle
of Open Access, i.e., they are available online and free of charge.
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 12
pages, excluding references presenting original research on the theory
of computer science. All submissions must be formatted in the LIPIcs
style (http://www.eatcs.org/icalp2018/authorkit.zip) and submitted via
Easychair to the appropriate track of the conference. The use of
pdflatex and the LIPIcs style are mandatory: papers that deviate
significantly from the required format may be rejected without
consideration of merit.
For regular submissions, no prior publication or simultaneous
submission to other publication outlets (either a conference or a
journal) is allowed. All the technical details necessary for a proper
scientific evaluation of a submission must be included in the 12-page
submission or in a clearly-labelled appendix, to be consulted at the
discretion of program committee members. If desired, the authors can
simply attach a copy of the full paper as the appendix. Authors are
encouraged to also make full versions of their submissions freely
accessible in an on-line repository such as ArXiv, HAL, ECCC.
A submission for a brief announcement must be at most 3 pages,
including title, authors' names and affiliations, and references. Such
submissions may describe work in progress or work presented
elsewhere. The title of a brief announcement must begin with the words
"Brief Announcement:".
If requested by the authors at the time of submission, a regular
submission that is not selected for a regular presentation will be
considered for the brief announcement format. This will not affect
consideration of the paper for a regular presentation.
Best Paper Awards
As in previous editions of ICALP, there will be best paper and best
student paper awards for each track of the conference. In order to be
eligible for a best student paper award, a paper should be authored
only by students and should be marked as such upon submission.
Papers presenting original research on all aspects of theoretical
computer science are sought. Typical but not exclusive topics of
interest are:
Track A: Algorithms, Complexity and Games
* Algorithmic Game Theory
* Approximation Algorithms
* Combinatorial Optimization
* Combinatorics in Computer Science
* Computational Biology
* Computational Complexity
* Computational Geometry
* Cryptography
* Data Structures
* Design and Analysis of Algorithms
* Machine Learning
* Parallel, Distributed and External Memory Computing
* Randomness in Computation
* Quantum Computing
Track B: Logic, Semantics, Automata and Theory of Programming
* Algebraic and Categorical Models
* Automata, Games, and Formal Languages
* Emerging and Non-standard Models of Computation
* Databases, Semi-Structured Data and Finite Model Theory
* Principles and Semantics of Programming Languages
* Logic in Computer Science, Theorem Proving and Model Checking
* Models of Concurrent, Distributed, and Mobile Systems
* Models of Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems
* Program Analysis and Transformation
* Specification, Refinement, Verification and Synthesis
* Type Systems and Theory, Typed Calculi
Track C: Foundations of Networked Computation:
Models, Algorithms and Information Management
* Algorithmic Aspects of Networks and Networking
* Formal Methods for Network Information Management
* Foundations of Privacy, Trust and Reputation in Networks
* Mobile and Wireless Networks and Communication
* Network Economics and Incentive-Based Computing Related to Networks
* Networks of Low Capability Devices
* Network Mining and Analysis
* Overlay Networks and P2P Systems
* Specification, Semantics, Synchronization of Networked Systems
* Theory of Security in Networks
Should I submit my paper to Track A or Track C?
While the scope of Tracks A and B are generally well understood given
their long history, the situation for Track C may be less obvious. In
particular, some clarifications may be helpful regarding areas of
potential overlap, especially between Tracks A and C.
The aim for Track C is to be the leading venue for theory papers truly
motivated by networking applications, and/or proposing theoretical
results relevant to real networking, certified analytically, but not
necessarily tested practically. The motivation for the track was the
lack of good venues for theory papers motivated by applications in
networking. On the one hand, the good networking conferences typically
ask for extended experiments and/or simulations, while the TCS
community is hardly able to do such experiments or simulations. On the
other hand, the good conferences on algorithms tend to judge a paper
based only on its technical difficulty and on its significance from an
algorithmic perspective, which may not be the same as when judging the
paper from the perspective of impact on networks.
Several areas of algorithmic study of interest to track C have a broad
overlap with track A. Graph algorithmics can belong in either, though
if the work is not linked to networking, it is more appropriate in
track A. Algorithmic game theory is another area of major
overlap. Aspects involving complexity, the computation of equilibria
and approximations, belong more in Track A, while results with
applications in auctions, networks and some aspects of mechanism
design belong in Track C.
Finally, it should be noted that algorithms and complexity of
message-passing based distributed computing belong squarely in track
C, while certain other aspects of distributed computing do not fall
under its scope.
Track A: Algorithms, complexity, and games
Daniel Marx, chair (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU)
Alexandr Andoni (Columbia Univ, US)
Nikhil Bansal (Eindhoven Univ of Technology, NL)
Markus Blaser (Saarland Univ, DE)
Glencora Borradaile (Oregon State Univ, US)
Sergio Cabello (Univ of Ljubljana, SI)
Joseph Cheriyan (Univ of Waterloo, CA)
Leah Epstein (Univ of Haifa, IL)
Samuel Fiorini (Univ libre de Bruxelles, BE)
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus Univ, DK)
Giuseppe F. Italiano (Univ di Roma "Tor Vergata", IT)
Bart M.P. Jansen (Eindhoven Univ of Technology, NL)
Petteri Kaski (Aalto Univ, FI)
Michal Koucky (Charles Univ, CZ)
Elias Koutsoupias (Oxford, UK)
Robert Krauthgamer (Weizman Inst, IL)
Stephan Kreutzer (TU Berlin, DE)
Troy Lee (Nanyang Technological Univ, SG)
Moshe Lewenstein (Bar-Ilan Univ, IL)
Ankur Moitra (MIT, US)
Seffi Naor (Technion, IL)
Seth Pettie (Univ of Michigan, US)
Michal Pilipczuk (Univ of Warsaw, PL)
Alon Rosen (Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center, IL)
Gunter Rote (Freie Univ Berlin, DE)
Barna Saha (Univ of Massachusetts Amherst, US)
Daniel Stefankovic (Univ of Rochester, US)
Maxim Sviridenko (Yahoo Research, US)
Virginia Vassilevska Williams (MIT, US)
Gerhard Woeginger (RWTH Aachen, DE)
Ronald de Wolf (CWI and Univ of Amsterdam, NL)
Stanislav Zivny (Oxford, UK)
Track B: Logic, semantics, automata and theory of programming
Don Sannella, chair (Univ of Edinburgh, UK)
Nathalie Bertrand (IRISA/INRIA Rennes, FR)
Mikolaj Bojanczyk (Warsaw Univ, PL)
Udi Boker (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, IL)
Yuxin Deng (East China Normal Univ, CN)
Floris Geerts (Univ Antwerp, BE)
Dan Ghica (Univ Birmingham, UK)
Alexey Gotsman (IMDEA, ES)
Jan Hoffmann (CMU, US)
Naoki Kobayashi (Univ Tokyo, JP)
Martin Lange (Univ Kassel, DE)
Dirk Pattinson (Australian National Univ, AU)
Femke van Raamsdonk (VU Amsterdam, NL)
Jean-François Raskin (Univ libre de Bruxelles, BE)
Vladimiro Sassone (Univ Southampton, UK)
Thomas Schwentick (TU Dortmund, DE)
Alex Simpson (Univ Ljubljana, SI)
Jiri Srba (Aalborg Univ, DK)
Mirco Tribastone (IMT Lucca, IT)
Tomas Vojnar (Brno Univ of Technology, CZ)
Igor Walukiewicz (CNRS and Univ Bordeaux, FR)
Scott Weinstein (Univ Pennsylvania, US)
Track C: Foundations of networked computation:
Models, algorithms and information management
Christos Kaklamanis, chair (CTI and Univ of Patras, GR)
Susanne Albers (TU Munich, DE)
Luca Becchetti (Sapienza Univ of Rome, IT)
Ioannis Caragiannis (Univ of Patras, GR)
Andrea Clementi (Univ of Rome "Tor Vergata", IT)
Michele Flammini (Gran Sasso Sci Inst and Univ of L'Aquila, IT)
Pierre Fraigniaud (CNRS and Univ Paris Diderot, FR)
Aristides Gionis (Aalto Univ, FI)
Sudipto Guha (Univ of Pennsylvania, US)
Tomasz Jurdzinski (Univ of Wroclaw, PL)
Evangelos Kranakis (Carleton Univ, CA)
Danny Krizanc (Wesleyan Univ, US)
Katrina Ligett (CA Inst of Tech, US and Hebrew Univ,~IL)
Marios Mavronicolas (Univ of Cyprus, CY)
Kobbi Nissim (Georgetown Univ, US)
Marina Papatriantafillou (Chalmers Univ of Tech, SE)
Andrzej Pelc (Univ du Quebec en Outaouais, CA)
David Peleg (Weizmann Inst of Science, IL)
Geppino Pucci (Univ of Padova, IT)
Christian Scheideler (Paderborn Univ, DE)
Roger Wattenhofer (ETH Zurich, CH)
Organizing committee
Jiri Sgall
Anna Kotesovcova (CONFORG)
Andreas Emil Feldmann
Tomas Masarik
Jan Musilek
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