Wednesday, August 16, 2017

[DMANET] Professorship "Sustainable Transportation Logistics (Physical Internet)" at JKU Linz

The Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics & Business at the Johannes
Kepler University Linz (Austria) invites applications for a full-time,
tenured faculty position as a

Professor for
Sustainable Transportation Logistics with a focus on "Physical Internet"

Application deadline: August 31, 2017

The successful candidate is expected to support the development and
expansion of research in the field of the "Physical Internet" at the
Johannes Kepler University and will represent this field in research and
teaching in all of its sub-areas. Research activities will focus on the
future-oriented design of a logistical flow of goods and using the
Physical Internet to strive for a sustainable, positive economic,
ecological, and socially relevant impact. Accordingly, the successful
candidate will work equally on conducting application-oriented and
base-knowledge research in both logistical and computer science-related
research topics. In the field of teaching, the successful candidate will
be expected to develop a new area of specialization in conjunction with
existing courses already offered at the Johannes Kepler University. The
successful candidate will also be willing to independently address and
carry out administrative tasks at the university/department as well as
actively take part in academic committees.

The successful candidate must

(a) hold a post-doctorate (venia docendi) degree or a comparable
post-doctorate degree, preferably with a focus on transportation
logistics and/or computer science,
(b) demonstrate past experience in conducting base-knowledge research
with a focus on logistics and/or computer sciences,
(c) possess experience in academia and teaching at all levels,
(d) submit a list of publications on an international level and a list
of all academic lectures, presentations, etc.,
(e) show professional relationships with companies and industries
demonstrated through ongoing projects in collaboration with companies,
(f) show experience in acquiring external funding, and
(g) show international experience and professional contacts.

In addition to the key qualifications as cited above, the successful
candidate is expected to possess a strong social skill set.

The annual gross salary is €90,000 to €110,000; the actual net income
amount can only be negotiated with the Rector.

The Johannes Kepler University wishes to increase the proportion of
academic female faculty members and, for this reason, especially
welcomes applications by qualified women. If applicants are equally
qualified, a woman will be given preference for this position.

The applicant may not have been previously employed at an Austrian
university since 2013.

Prospective applicants interested in the position are requested to
electronically send an application in adherence to the stated criteria,
together with the requested documentation (including all relevant
documents, application form, current CV, list of publications, and a
list of all courses taught, etc.) to the Rector of the Johannes Kepler
University of Linz (

Information for Applicants:

Application Form:

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