Monday, September 30, 2019

[DMANET] Full Professor Position in Business Analytics and Technology Transformation

The Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business at Johannes
Kepler University Linz, Austria, invites applications for a permanent
professorship position under private law for a

*Professor of Business Analytics and Technology Transformation*

to begin immediately. The appointment is in accordance § 98 of the
Austrian Universities Act. An evaluation will be conducted after a
five-year period.

The successful candidate is expected to represent and further develop
the field of Business Analytics and Technology Transformation in
research and teaching. Business Analytics describes the continuous
analysis of business data, with the aim to extract knowledge about past
and future activities, and to exploit them in planning and
decision-making tasks. Technology Transformation concerns supporting the
respective necessary, accompanying or triggered transformation processes
within organizations.

Research achievements in the following areas are expected:

- *Applications of Business Analytics* in different functional business
- *Methods of Business Analytics*, especially in data management and
data analysis addressing Big Data challenges in the context of analytic
questions in business and economics.
- *Technology Transformation and Business (Model) Transformation* to
allow, support, and implement business analytics processes from data
acquisition to the implementation of decisions.

Applicants for the position must have a venia docendi (habilitation
degree) or a comparable post-doctorate qualification in Business
Administration, Business Informatics, or a related discipline.

Please see the job opening:



or consult the detailed job profile:



for further details.

The Johannes Kepler University wishes to increase the proportion of
academic female faculty and, for this reason, especially welcomes
applications by qualified women. If applicants are equally qualified, a
woman will be given preference for this position. The university
welcomes applications from qualified applicants who have physical
disabilities. These applications will be given special consideration.

Prospective applicants interested in the position are requested to
electronically send a complete application in adherence to the stated
criteria in the job profile, together with the requested documentation
(including an application form and current CV) to the Rector of the
Johannes Kepler University Linz under by October 30,
2019. If documents cannot be sent electronically, they are to be sent in
quintuplet copy and should arrive at the Rector's office no later than
one week after the end of the application deadline.

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