Thursday, March 12, 2020

[DMANET] INFORMS Telecommunications and Network Analytics Conference (TNAC) 2020 is postponed

Dear colleagues,

Due to the rapidly evolving situation related to the Corona virus (COVID-19) epidemic, the organization committee of the INFORMS TNA Conference 2020, in agreement with the steering committee of the INFORMS Telecommunications and Network Analytics Section, has decided to postpone the meeting to a later date. Therefore, we regret to inform you that the conference will no longer take place on the previously scheduled dates (31 March - 2 April, 2020).

With the increasing number of infections in Germany and Berlin area, new restrictions are being imposed by a large number of institutions regarding the organization of meetings with external attendees. Additionally, we are aware of the challenges that many of our participants are currently facing with respect to international travels. Amid this uncertain climate of events, the postponement decision has been taken to ensure the health and welfare of our attendees.

While these circumstances are outside of our control, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. For further questions related to individual cases, please write to<>.

The INFORMS TNA Conference will be rescheduled on the following dates: 30 August - 2 September, 2020 at its original venue at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), in Berlin, Germany. We will be welcoming new scientific contributions in the form of organized sessions/tutorials or single abstracts. The new timeline of the INFORMS TNA Conference 2020 is now announced on our website:

As we hope for the future situation to improve, we are working to hold the meeting with the highest possible standards and to preserve its international aspect.

Best regards,
The Organization Committee

Thorsten Koch, Conference Chair– Zuse Institute Berlin
Haldun Süral – Middle East Technical University
Christine Tawfik – Zuse Institute Berlin
Inci Yüksel-Ergün – Zuse Institute Berlin


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