Researchers wanted!
Join the SCIP team: 5 year PostDoc and multiple PhD positions in Mixed
Integer Programming open at Zuse Institute Berlin
The research group Mathematical Optimization Methods at Zuse Institute
Berlin is hiring: We are looking for researchers in the broad area of
mathematical optimization and computational mixed integer linear and
nonlinear programming:
- PostDoc level to junior research group leader: salary grade TV-L E14
(100%), for details see
- PhD level: salary grade TV-L E13 (100%), for details see
Our research focuses on the design and analysis of innovative algorithms
and their implementation in high-performance academic software like the
SCIP Optimization Suite (
Due to our involvement in major regional cooperative projects, such as
the Einstein Center for Mathematics (ECMath), the DFG Cluster of
Excellence MATH+, the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) or the Berlin
Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD), we have
close ties to universities and other research institutes in the region.
The initial deadline is July 13, 2020, but the application deadlines
will be extended until the positions are filled.
For further information about the positions, please contact Prof. Dr.
Sebastian Pokutta (<>).
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