Monday, July 27, 2020

[DMANET] Postdoc positions in Reasoning and Learning at Linköping University Sweden

Dear colleagues,
the Reasoning and Learning Group at Linköping University in Sweden has
two open postdoc positions (up to 2 years each) for doing curiosity
driven basic research in the intersection between reasoning and
learning. Application deadline August 24.

We are a growing research group with a broad interest in AI. We are
especially interested in spatio-temporal reasoning and learning such as
learning and reasoning about trajectories and events/activities,
incremental reasoning and learning such as a stream reasoning and
learning, multi-agent reasoning and learning such as combinatorial
assignment and multi-agent reinforcement learning, and reasoning and
learning for Trustworthy AI such as privacy-preserving synthetic data
generation and run-time verification for safe autonomous systems.

At least one of the postdocs will work on developing new machine
learning methods for creating privacy preserving synthetic
spatio-temporal trajectory data sets. The goal is to 1) extend
generative adversarial network (GAN) methods to learn generative
spatio-temporal trajectory models and 2) develop new Bayesian
Optimization methods for creating tailored privacy-preserving synthetic
data sets using these generative models.

For more information and to apply see:

If you want to know more please get in touch!

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