Thursday, May 13, 2021

[DMANET] PhD position in Algorithms at Sapienza University of Rome

One PhD position is funded within the ERC Advanced Grant project
"Algorithmic and Mechanism Design Research in Online Markets" (AMDROMA) led
by Stefano Leonardi is available at Sapienza University of Rome.

The project AMDROMA considers research questions in algorithmic and
mechanism design that are central for today's Internet economy. The focus
of the project is on the development of new methods in research areas such
as algorithmic mechanism design, machine learning in games and markets,
modelling uncertainty in algorithmic market design, algorithmic fairness,
online and approximation algorithms, and large-scale algorithmic data

The PhDs will be associated to one of the three areas of investigation of
AMDROMA: i) market and auction design, ii) models of uncertainty and
algorithmic learning, iii) large-scale matching and clustering methods. The
research will primarily focus on theoretical investigation, data driven
modeling, analytical and experimental validation.

PhDs of AMDROMA are expected to contribute to the research problems of
interest of the project, finding and analyzing novel solutions, writing
research papers, and collaborating with other PhD students and postdoctoral
researchers. Applicants should hold a Master of Science degree in computer
science, computer engineering, data science, mathematics, statistics, or
related fields.

The position will start in November 2021. Salary is competitive at the
European level.

Applications, including a CV, a statement of research, and reference
letters, should be sent to

Stefano Leonardi

preferably before June 15th, 2021.

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