universitet) at the Discrete Mathematics seminar, KIT, Germany.
*Title:* Around the log-rank conjecture.
*Abstract:* The log-rank conjecture, proposed by Lovász and Saks, is one of
the fundamental problems of communication complexity. In its combinatorial
formulation, it asks for the size of the largest all-zero or all-one
submatrix of a binary matrix of rank r. I will talk about recent questions
and developments surrounding this conjecture. Based on joint works with
Zach Hunter, Aleksa Milojevic and Benny Sudakov.
The seminar will take place on Zoom on Thursday, January 23 at 14:00 CET.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 434 153 4439
Passcode: @89aKPFG
Kind regards,
Maria Aksenovich and Arsenii Sagdeev (KIT)
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