Tuesday, January 14, 2025

[DMANET] Post-doc position at the University of Wroclaw

We offer a position in the project

Efficient distributed and parallel algorithms for big and dynamic data

led by Tomasz Jurdziński, focused on design and analysis of distributed and
parallel algorithms for contemporary architectures as well as the study of
the limitations of these architectures.

The post-doc position is intended for 12 months (with an option for
extension until June 2026) starting in March 2025. The starting date is

The position comes with full-time employment with a gross salary comparable
to the average salary in Poland and allows for a reasonably comfortable
living in Wroclaw. It also includes basic health insurance and a year-end

Sufficient travel funds will also be provided.

The candidate should hold (or be about to obtain) a PhD in Computer
Science, Mathematics, or a closely related field. Preference will be given
to external candidates, who have (co-authored) non-trivial results in the
(broadly understood) topic of the project. An application should include:

- curriculum vitae,

- copy of PhD diploma,

- list of publications,

- short description of selected obtained results and general
research interests.

Our algorithm groups https://ii.uni.wroc.pl/badania/zaklad/ZZOA and
http://ii.uni.wroc.pl/badania/zaklad/ZOK offer stimulating working

Wroclaw is a modern city (see, e.g., https://visitwroclaw.eu/en), pleasant
to live in, having over 100 000 students.

The position will remain open until a good candidate is found, but at least
until *February 15,* *2025*.

Further questions and applications should be sent to Tomasz Jurdziński
(tomasz.jurdzinski [at] cs [dot] uni [dot] wroc [dot] pl).

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