Thursday, July 25, 2013

[DMANET] PostDoc in Discrete Math --- University of Tartu, Estonia

The University of Tartu is looking for

PostDocs in Discrete Mathematics.

The work environment is multi-national.
Interaction is almost exclusively in English.

Your research will be on problems in the intersection of

- Probabilistic Combinatorics,
- (Combinatorial) Matrix Theory,
- Hypergraph Theory.

The research group in Discrete Mathematics is small and
vibrant. Besides the above areas, there is research in
Combinatorial Number Theory and Coding Theory, as well as
interactions with a sprawling Cryptology group.

We expect the successful applicant to

- be fluent in English;
- hold a PhD in Math (or CS);
- have experience and publications in at least one of the
above areas;
- have a very good record of publications (measured
relative to the specifics of his area and the stage of
his PostDoc life).

For informal inquiries, please contact

Dr. rer.nat. habil. Dirk Oliver Theis
Senior Lecturer

Why don't you include a very short CV, and links to the
full-text of at most 3 of your favourite (own) publications?

Here's some more information about Estonia & Tartu, but check


* Euro zone since 2011
* 1.3 million inhabitants (= Cologne + Heidelberg)
* Bustling economy
* Language similar to Finnish,
* no need to learn it: English works everywhere.


* Houses the region's most venerable university
* Student city (= cafes, bars, restaurants, nightlife, ...)
* Climate:
6 months party in the sauna (winter)
4 months party in the streets (summer)
(2 months inconclusive)
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* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
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