Thursday, January 10, 2019

[DMANET] INFORMS TSL Workshop 2019 in Vienna

INFORMS TSL Workshop 2019 in Vienna: 2nd announcement

The next INFORMS TSL Workshop will be held from July 15-18, 2019 at the University of Vienna.
The topic of the workshop is "Transportation in the sharing economy". Sharing economy refers
to collaborative consumption. It is typically organized through platforms that facilitate the
exchange of goods or services. Given an increasing pressure to act economically and ecologically
efficient, mechanisms that help to benefit from idle capacities are on the rise. Both
transportation companies and heavy users of transportation services need to learn how to play in
a world of shared idle capacities. We anticipate talks on various types of collaborations, crowd
delivery, carsharing, carpooling, ridesharing, etc.


We will welcome contributions that address modeling, methodological or game theoretical
aspects. Possible topics are (but not limited to):

* Collaborative and cooperative transportation
* Crowd shipping or sourcing
* Car-, bike-, or ride sharing
* Car and bike repositioning
* Car pooling
* Intermodal and multimodal transportation
* Synchromodality and the physical internet
* Business model developments in the sharing economy
* Shared mobility services

Important dates

Submission deadline: January 15, 2019
Notification: February 28, 2019
Early registration deadline: March 31, 2019


Abstracts should be as complete as possible, no less than 2 pages and not exceeding more than 3 pages.­Abstract submissions will be handled via <>
We plan to have a Special Issue in Transportation Science associated with the workshop.

Keynote speakers

Martin Bichler (Technical University of Munich)
Michal Tzur (Tel Aviv University)

Organizing Committee

Margaretha Gansterer
Karl Dörner
Richard Hartl
Rudolf Vetschera

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