Tuesday, November 5, 2019

[DMANET] OJMO: call for paper

The *Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization* (https://ojmo
.centre-mersenne.org) is calling for papers. This newly established
scholarly journal, provided on a Fair Open Access basis – without cost to
both readers and authors, see below – welcomes original and high-quality
articles dealing with every aspect of mathematical optimization, ranging
from numerical and computational aspects to theoretical questions related
to mathematical optimization problems. The topics covered by the journal
are classified into four areas:

* Continuous Optimization
* Discrete Optimization
* Optimization under Uncertainty
* Computational aspects and applications

The journal welcomes regular papers (no page limit) and short notes (no
more than 8 pages). While the editorial board will guarantee a first answer
within 3 months for the short papers, both types of papers will be refereed
with the same (high) standards and need to follow rigorously the journal
template upon submission, available at https://ojmo

The steering committee of the journal consists of

* Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT, USA)
* Martine Labbé (ULB, Belgium)
* Eva K. Lee (Georgia Tech, USA)
* Marc Teboulle (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)

The full list of editorial board members can be found under

As a Fair Open Access journal,

* it is owned and controlled by the scholarly community independent of
commercial publishers,
* authors retain copyright of their works, which are published under a
standard open access license as outlined in the editorial policy.

For more information, please see the journal website (https://ojmo

* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
* http://www.zaik.uni-koeln.de/AFS/publications/dmanet/