Wednesday, March 11, 2020

[DMANET] PhD Positions: Pipe Routing Optimization, Explosion Modeling in Plant Layout

Woodside Project 1 - Pipe routing optimization
Developing efficient and (near) optimal algorithms for multiple 3D path routings is a significant challenge with a wide variety of applications: from routing the pipes in a chemical plant or a jet engine, to determining the paths of aerial drones. While significant research has been done in the 2D setting, there are still significant challenges whenever the paths are required to satisfy complex constraints. The aim of this PhD is to develop efficient and (near) optimal algorithms for multiple 3D path routings and integrate them into a visualisation system that allows users to query and modify the solutions proposed by the algorithm. The project is run by a multidisciplinary team under supervision of Maria Garcia de la Banda, Mark Wallace, and Michael Wybrow (Monash University), as well as Woodside Energy Ltd.

Required background: computer science, combinatorial optimization and planning
Location: Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Woodside Project 2 - Explosion modelling in plant layout optimization
A collaboration between Woodside and Monash has resulted in a system able to provide high quality chemical plant layouts (including equipment positioning and pipe routing) for large chemical plants. The aim of this PhD is to extend the system to incorporate advanced explosion modelling, such as those developed by Gexcon. The challenge will be to integrate the explosion constraints with the search, rather than using the already existing models as a black-box checker once a solution layout is found. Further, it will be important to determine effective ways to integrate the algorithms into a visualisation system that allows users to query and modify the solutions proposed by the algorithms.
The student is expected to spend time not only at Woodside (Australia, Perth) but also at Gexcon (Norway).

Required background: mathematics/CS, combinatorial optimization and planning
Location: Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

To apply, go to

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