Wednesday, June 7, 2023

[DMANET] Fully funded PhD student position in robotics & AI @ TU Hamburg

The Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems at Hamburg
University of Technology is looking for a PhD student working on machine
learning methods for multi-criteria optimization and path planning for
medical and mobile robots in dynamic environments.

Finding the optimal pose or path of a robot can be a challenging problem.
Consider robots moving in a clinical setting, estimating patient motion,
and coordinating multiple robots interacting with a patient. In such
scenarios, you will use machine learning methods to estimate the motion
dynamics from different image modalities and to adapt and optimize the
robots' motion in real-time.

We offer a fully funded position (approximately 53K EUR gross salary) for
a candidate with a background in computer science or related fields.
Excellent programming skills and very good knowledge of robotics and
machine learning methods are required, ROS skills are a big plus.
Successful candidates will have an excellent academic track record and a
clear motivation to obtain a PhD. While you will be part of an
interdisciplinary team you are able to work independently and to
collaborate with partners at clinics and other research groups.

Please, check
for further details or contact Alexander Schlaefer (

Applications should be sent via

Alexander Schlaefer
Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems
Hamburg University of Technology
+49 (0) 40 42878 3050
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