Monday, November 27, 2023

[DMANET] PhD positions at LSE in Algorithms and Optimisation

Subject: PhD positions at LSE in Algorithms and Optimisation

The Operations Research group in the Department of Mathematics at LSE
invites applications by potential PhD students to work on topics within
the research interests of the group. Such topics include: algorithmic
game theory; algorithms and theory of linear, convex and integer
programming; approximation algorithms; algorithms beyond the worst-case;
combinatorial optimisation; matroid theory; multiagent learning; network
design and optimisation; and random structures and phase transitions.
For more specifics, please consult the personal pages of the faculty:

Applicants will be considered for LSE PhD studentships covering fees and
paying GBP £19,668/year for up to 4 years, usually tax free. The award
of these scholarships is competitive, based on academic performance.

The application deadline to be eligible for funding is *15 January 2024*.

For further information about the PhD programme and application
procedures, please see

For academic questions, applicants can contact Prof Gregory Sorkin
( For administrative and regulatory questions,
please contact Emily Jackson (

LSE values diversity and strives to promote equality at all levels. We
strongly encourage applications from women, ethnic minorities, and
members of other groups under-represented in higher education.

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