Saturday, November 18, 2023

[DMANET] Master/PhD scholarships in Berlin

The Berlin Mathematical School ( advertises
scholarships for Master and PhD studies in Mathematics, including Discrete
Mathematics. The starting date of the Master scholarship is October 2024.

The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) is the joint graduate school of the
mathematics departments of the three research universities in Berlin, the
Freie Universität (FU), the Humboldt-Universität (HU), and the Technische
Universität (TU). It offers a comprehensive, coordinated study program in
English, an active, international research environment, as well as
mentoring programs, language courses, soft-skills seminars, funding for
summer schools and conferences, a buddy program and funding for students
with children. The BMS is committed to equality and diversity.

For information on how to apply, go to:

The deadline is December 1.

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