Friday, February 2, 2024

[DMANET] Invited sessions at the EURO 2024 in Copenhagen

Dear Colleagues,

I apologize in advance for the multiple reception.

Just a quick reminder.

With several of my colleagues, we are organizing three invited sessions
at the 33rd edition of the EURO Conference ( to
be held in Copenhagen from June 30 to July 03, 2024.

The three sessions are as follows:

Stream "Combinatorial Optimization"
Session "Robustness in Combinatorial Optimization"
Chairs : Evgeny Gurevsky (Université de Nantes, France) and Mikhail Y.
Kovalyov (UIIP, NASB, Minsk, Belarus)
Invitation code : *49f54079*

Stream "Energy Markets"
Session "Production Optimization and Supply Chain Management of Green
Hydrogen under Uncertainties"
Chairs : Céline Gicquel (Université Paris-Saclay, France), Evgeny
Gurevsky (Université de Nantes, France), François Sanson (Lhyfe, Nantes,
France) and Victor Spitzer (Lhyfe, Nantes, France + Université
Paris-Saclay, France)
Invitation code : *3f911474*

Stream "Project Management and Scheduling"
Session "Workforce Scheduling and Line Balancing »
Chairs : Audrey Cerqueus (IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France), Alexandre
Dolgui (IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France) and Evgeny Gurevsky (Université
de Nantes, France)
Invitation code : *f7b2b31b*

We invite you to submit your abstracts to one of our three sessions
using the respective invitation code.
The deadline for abstract submission is *March 3, 2024*.

Yours sincerely,
Alexandre, Audrey, Céline, Evgeny, François, Mikhail and Victor

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