Monday, February 19, 2024

[DMANET] W1 Professorship for Algorithms and Data Structures at University of Münster

The Computer Science Department in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FB 10) at the University of Münster, Germany, seeks to fill the position of an Assistant Professorship (W1) in "Practical Computer Science"[*] at the earliest possible date. The position is limited to three years with the possibility of a three-year extension.

We are looking for an internationally distinguished junior researcher with expertise in "algorithms and data structures" who will represent the faculty in both fundamental and practical research and teaching. The candidate must be capable of engaging and collaborating with the working groups of the department, particularly in the area of "efficient algorithms and algorithm engineering".

For more information (in English and in German) see:

The application deadline is April 2, 2024.

[*] This is the official name of the position. As mentioned below, we are interested in candidates with both fundamental and practical research expertise.

Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold
University of Münster | Department of Computer Science
Einsteinstr. 62 | 48149 Münster | Germany | phone: +49 251 83-38400 |

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