Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Correction: Academic Position Available, wrong deadline published

Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
University of Chile


The Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile invites
applications for a full-time position in Computer Science. We are seeking
applicants with strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching
and research in one of the following areas at international standards:

- Computer Networks
- Large scale Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval
- Computer Graphics and Scientific Computing
- Computer Theory: algoritms and paralelism

A PhD in Computer Science is required. Candidates should have proven
research abilities, backed by top-level publications in their area of
expertise, and be fluent in English.

Teaching will be conducted in Spanish, so candidates are expected to be
fluent or willing to become fluent in Spanish within a year. Teaching
experience is desirable as well.

Applications should include: a cover letter containing a research, teaching,
and service statement; curriculum vitae; PhD diploma or certificate;
copies of the 5 most relevant publications ranked by importance; and two
confidential letters of recommendation. They should be sent directly to the
address below.

Applications can be submitted any time before January 15, 2010.

Rank and salary (in Chilean pesos) will depend on academic background and
experience, and will follow the academic standards of the University of

For further information please contact: concurso@dcc.uchile.cl, phone
(+56-2) 9780652

Send applications and accompanying information to the next e-mail and
following address:

Dirección Académica y de Investigación
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Chile
Beauchef 850, Torre Central, 7mo piso
Casilla 2777