Third Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics (MASSIVE 2011)
June 16, 2011
Paris, France
In connection with SoCG'11 and organized by
Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO)
Aim and Scope
Tremendous advances in our ability to acquire, store and process data,
as well as the pervasive use of computers in general, have resulted in
a spectacular increase in the amount of data being collected. This
availability of high-quality data has led to major advances in both
science and industry. In general, society is becoming increasingly
data driven, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years.
The increasing number of applications processing massive data means
that in general focus on algorithm efficiency is increasing. However,
the large size of the data, and/or the small size of many modern
computing devices, also means that issues such as memory hierarchy
architecture often play a crucial role in algorithm efficiency. Thus
the availability of massive data also means many new challenges for
algorithm designers.
The aim of the workshop on massive data algorithmcs is to provide a
forum for researchers from both academia and industry interested in
algorithms for massive dataset problems. The scope of the workshop
includes both fundamental algorithmic problems involving massive data,
as well as algorithms for more specialized problems in, e.g.,
graphics, databases, statistics and bioinformatics. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
- I/O-efficient algorithms
- Cache-oblivious algorithms
- Memory hierarchy efficient algorithms
- Streaming algorithms
- Sublinear algorithms
- Parallel algorithms for massive data problem
- Engineering massive data algorithms
Paper submission
We invite submissions of extended abstracts (at most 10 pages not
counting references) of original research. Extended abstract should be
submitted through the EasyChair website by Wednesday April 27. Authors
will be notified about acceptance by Monday May 9, and final versions
will be due on May 30. Accepted extended abstracts will be collected
in a booklet, which will be distributed at the workshop. There will be
no formal proceedings, so work presented at the workshop can also be
(or have been) presented at other conferences. An author of each
accepted abstract is expected to give a presentation of the abstract
at the workshop.
Program committee
Pankaj Agarwal (Duke)
Lars Arge (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Mark de Berg (Eindhoven)
Guy E. Blelloch (CMU)
Gerth Stølting Brodal (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Ken Clarkson (IBM Almaden)
Graham Cormode (AT&T Research)
Erik Demaine (MIT)
Sudipto Guha (U. Penn)
Sariel Har-Peled (UIUC)
John Iacono (NYU)
Piotr Indyk (MIT)
Riko Jacob (TU Munich)
Christian S. Jensen (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Ravi Kumar (Yahoo! Research)
Ulrich Meyer (Frankfurt and MADALGO)
Ian Munro (Waterloo)
S. Muthu Muthukrishnan (Google)
Mihai Pătraşcu (AT&T Research)
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University)
Peter Sanders (KIT)
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (Utah)
Jeffrey Scott Vitter (Kansas)
Norbert Zeh (Dalhousie)
Chair: Ulrich Meyer (Frankfurt and MADALGO)
Organizing committee
Else Magård (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Gerth Stølting Brodal (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Lars Arge (Aarhus and MADALGO)
Ulrich Meyer (Frankfurt and MADALGO)
Important dates
Call for Papers: February 2011
Paper submission deadline: Wednesday April 27
Notification of acceptance: Monday May 9
Early registration deadline: May 16
Final version due: May 30
Symposium: June 16, 2011
The workshop will take place on June 16, 2011 in Paris, France,
immediately following the 27th Annual Symposium on Computational
Geometry (SoCG). Participants should register through the on-line
registration which will soon be opened on the workshop webpage under . All researchers and industry
people interested in massive data algorithmics are encouraged to
attend the workshop.
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