Operativa (Latin American Operations Research Summer School)
The XVI ELAVIO will be held in Vale dos Vinhedos, Garibaldi (Hotel
Mosteiro), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from February 5 to 10, 2012.
The ELAVIO schools are promoted by the Sociedad Latinoamericana de
Operativa (ALIO) and foster discussions on foundational,
interdisciplinary, and applied topics related to Operations Research.
Historically, the ELAVIOs are attended by young Latin American
researchers and M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. However, representatives
from Europe, North America and emerging countries are welcome. High
performing students with proven research experience on Operations
Research are eligible to apply to scholarships.
The aims of the ELAVIO school are:
1. To present the fundamental scientific and mathematical principles
of Operations Research to scholars, young and senior researchers;
2. To present an updated panorama of state-of-the-art research topics
to graduate students and recent Ph.D. investigators from Latin America;
3. To promote a scientific and technological forum of discussion and
exchange between young and senior operations research investigators by
fostering opportunities to establish long term cooperation.
The main topics of this ELAVIO school are:
1. Linear Programming;
2. Mixed Integer Programming;
3. Non-linear Programming;
4. Metaheuristics;
5. Graph Optimization;
6. Applications.
Courses will be offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Registration: Students interested in participating should send the
following documents in electronic format (PDF file): a summary of
their Curriculum Vitae, a Letter of Recommendation and an Inscription
Form (that it will be available for download soon). Further
instructions can be found on the Webpage (www.inf.ufrgs.br/elavio2012/).
Student grants: A considerable number of grants (including lodging
and/or meals) will be offered. The students documents will be analized
by the Scientific Committee and the result will be issued by email and
on the website (www.inf.ufrgs.br/elavio2012/). About 60 students will
be selected for participating (all with grants) and they will be
invited to give a talk of about 20 min about your ongoing research.
Important Deadlines:
Registration deadline: 30/09/2011
Student grants (result): 17/10/2011
Student participation confirmation: 31/10/2011
XVI ELAVIO school dates: 05-10/02/2012
For more information, please visit www.inf.ufrgs.br/elavio2012.
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