Monday, January 9, 2012

[DMANET] *Reminder* CFP: SCOR 2012 - 3rd Student Conference on Operational Research

*** REMINDER ***


SCOR 2012
3rd Student Conference on Operational Research
20-22 April 2012, Nottingham, UK

Building on the success of the previous Student Conferences on
Operational Research, we are proud to announce the 3rd edition, SCOR 2012.

PhD students from all European Universities studying Operational
Research, Management Science or a related field are kindly invited to
submit an abstract for presentation at the conference. The purpose of
SCOR 2012 is to provide a friendly environment for doctoral candidates
to develop their presentation skills, to receive constructive feedback
on their work and to meet other students with similar interests.

Plenary talks will be given by various OR professionals undertaking a
wide range of exciting careers. This will give students an opportunity
to consider the many career paths available to them after completing
their doctorate.

Registration cost includes accommodation, a full social program and full
catering. We have strived to keep costs to a minimum in order to
maximise attendance.

Deadline for abstract submission: Friday 17th February 2012

Presenters will also be invited to submit a paper (no more than 10
pages) on their work to be published electronically as part of the SCOR
2012 proceedings. This will be available in the Dagstuhl OpenAccess
Series in Informatics (OASIcs).

Important dates:

* 30th Novemeber 2011: Opening of the abstract submission/registration
* 17th February 2012: Closing of the abstract submission procedure
* 29th February 2012: Notification of abstract submission
* 4th April 2012: Closing of paper submission procedure
* 11th April 2012: Closing of the registration procedure
* 20th - 22th April 2012: CONFERENCE
* 10th May 2012: Notification of paper submission

Organising committee:

Stefan Ravizza (Chairman), University of Nottingham,
Penny Holborn (Vice-chair), Cardiff University
Michael Clark, University of Nottingham
Emily Cookson, Lancaster University
Magdalena Gajodosz, University of Strathclyde
Pablo Gonzalez Brevis, University of Edinburgh
Izabela Komenda, Cardiff University
Urszula Neumann, University of Nottingham
Martin Takáč, University of Edinburgh
Alessia Violin, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Alessia Violin
Service Graphes et Optimisation Mathématique (G.O.M.)
Université Libre de Bruxelles
C.P. 210/01
Boulevard du Triomphe
Tel: 02 650 56 28 - Fax: 02 650 59 70

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