Thursday, July 12, 2012

[DMANET] PhD and PostDoc positions at the University of Twente


could you please spread the enclosed announcement via DMANET?

Thanks in advance and regards,

Johann Hurink
PhD- and PostDoc-positions at the University of Twente, The Netherlands
General topic: Planning and Control for Decentralized Energy Management
Field: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The challenge:
Since several years the chairs 'Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical
Programming' and 'Computer Architectures for Embedded Systems' of the
faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of
the University of Twente cooperate in the field of decentralized energy
management. The topic of this cooperation is on using techniques and
tools from ICT and Mathematics to improve the overall efficiency of
energy systems. The main focus of this research is on so called smart
grids, which can significantly improve the overall energy supply by
matching the best possible energy generation to the requested demand
over time. The group is nationally and internationally leading in this
area. Both research groups participate in the research institute CTIT
(Center for Telematics and Information Technology) of the University of
Twente. More information on the research can be found on
We currently have several open positions at PhD- and PostDoc-level. The
concrete research is on the border line between Mathematics and Computer
Science and possible candidates should be willing to work in a
multi-disciplinary research team.

Our offer:
The PhD positions are for four years and Post-Doc positions for three
years (exact starting date to be discussed). To apply, you should have
an MSc degree (PhD degree for the PostDoc position) in Computer Science,
Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or some closely related field and
have an affinity with energy efficiency and/or computer architecture
and/or optimization. Candidates should have good communication skills
(in English), in writing as well as orally. The main task is to perform
research, but there is also an opportunity to acquire teaching experience.

Please send your application electronically (preferably as a single pdf
file) including a detailed curriculum vitae, motivation letter and
transcript(s) of marks to:
Prof.dr. Johann Hurink, Gerard Smit,
For further questions regarding the position or details on the research
projects, please contact Johann Hurink or Gerard Smit

The University of Twente.:
We stand for life sciences and technology. High tech and human touch.
Education and research that matter. New technology which drives change,
innovation and progress in society. The University of Twente is the only
campus university in the Netherlands; divided over six faculties we
provide more than fifty educational programmes. The University of Twente
has a strong focus on personal development and talented researchers are
given scope for carrying out pioneering research.
The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
(EEMCS) comprises three disciplines that shape Information and
Communication Technology. ICT is more than communication. In almost
every product we use mathematics, electronics and computer technology
and ICT now contributes to all of societies' activities. The faculty
works together intensively with industrial partners and researchers in
the Netherlands and abroad and conducts extensive research for external
commissioning parties and funders. The research which enjoys a high
profile both at home

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