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International Workshop on Diagram Logic and Cognition 2013
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
28th and 29th October 2013
Our world is increasingly visual, and diagrams are an essential aspect
of many of the fields that try to make sense of it. These include
demography, cartography, medical imaging, aviation, and so on.
In particular, diagrammatic logic is gaining ground in logic and
mathematics as an alternative to or when used in parallel with symbolic
logics, and recent years have seen the appearance of increasingly
expressive diagrammatic systems. Considering the growing interest in
reasoning with diagrams in India, a session has been planned on the
history, current state-of-the-art and future of diagrammatic logics such
as Euler-Venn diagrams, concept diagrams and spider diagrams, to mention
a few recent and representative systems. Though our main focus is on the
following topics, submissions need not be limited to these.
. History of diagrams
. Inference in diagrammatic logics
. Diagrams and cognition
. Aesthetics and visual complexity
We invite authors to submit an extended abstract (3-4 pages) via
easychair at
Documents should be formatted using IEEE style (see
authors will then be required to prepare an 8-page paper for inclusion
in the proceedings, which will be published online by CEUR
( As well as the refereed talks, we are delighted to
be able to present several keynote speakers, including Dr Gem Stapleton
-- see below for details. We also hope to include talks from several
other distinguished researchers, whose names will be announced when
The purpose of the workshop is twofold. Firstly, we want to gain deeper
insights into the activities involved in reasoning with diagrammatic
systems. The questions under consideration include: how can a
modern, highly-expressive diagrammatic logic help with inferential tasks
in practice, such as those undertaken in the field of knowledge
engineering? What are the advantages and limitations of such a
logic when considered for these tasks, and to what extent are any
limitations defined by notations, tools, or the nature of the
information itself? Answering these questions will lead to more suitable
notations and better tools, and has a wide potential impact.
Our second purpose, closely related to the first, is cognition.
Reasoning through diagrams facilitates inferential tasks for a group of
users known as the "visualisers". Recent research in cognitive science
has examined the verbaliser-visualiser cognitive style classification.
The category of visualiser can be divided into two contrasting groups:
those with relatively high or low spatial ability. In recent work,
Kozhevnikov has showed visualizers with high spatial ability usually
generate abstract images whereas visualizers with low spatial ability
tend to generate detailed pictorial images of individual objects.
Barbara Tversky claims that when congruent mappings are made, the
abstract concept matches the spatial representation, implying that
abstract thought has roots in spatial world. The elegance of diagrams
needs to be investigated from this perspective and these concepts should
be considered in the context of the logic of diagrams. Finally, the use
of diagrams as a vehicle of reasoning calls for simplicity,
accessibility, visual clarity and expressiveness. Accordingly, our
meeting will also focus on the topics of diagram aesthetics and visual
Attendance at the workshop is free, but you will need to register in
advance. Accommodation at Jadavpur University can be arranged at a
minimal fee by contacting Dr Lopmudra Choudhury (
. Keynote speakers
Gem Stapleton on Inference in Diagrammatic Logics (title and abstract to
be announced)
Dr Gem Stapleton is a Reader in Computer Science at the University of
Brighton. She first began research into diagrams during 2001 and has
continued working on them ever since. She has published around 70
articles on topics spanning diagrammatic logics, automated reasoning,
automated diagram generation and layout, and sketch recognition
technologies. Much of this research has been collaborative, with
colleagues at the Universities of Auckland, Cambridge and Kent. Her
research has been supported by Nokia, who are applying results of her
research in practice. Gem has undertaken many roles in the diagrams and
visual languages communities, including being the Steering Committee
Chair for the Diagrams Conference Series and a member of the editorial
board for the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing.
. Program Committee
Dave Barker Plummer, Stanford University, US
Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Jadavpur University, India
Mark Minas, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Kim Marriott, Monash University, Australia
Peter Rodgers, University of Kent, UK
Ryo Takemura, Keio University, Japan
. Important dates
Submission period ends: 2nd July 2013
Notification to authors: 6th August 2013
Registration opens: 6th August 2013
Workshop: 28th and 29th October 2013
The workshop is followed by the annual meeting of The Kolkata Logic
Circle, 30th October to 2nd November 2013. If you have any queries,
please contact one of the organisers Jim Burton
( or Lopmudra Choudhury (
Dr Jim Burton
Lecturer in Computing
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
University of Brighton
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