Research Fellow (fixed-term), 2 years, University of Nottingham, UK
Closing date: Tuesday, 16th July 2013
Salary: 27854 GBP to 36298 GBP per annum, depending on skills and
experience, salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance
The Research Fellow will be part of the AHRC-funded project ³CLiC Dickens
characterisation in the representation of speech and body language from
a corpus stylistic perspective² under the direction of Professor Michaela
Mahlberg and Professor Peter Stockwell. The post will be based in the
Centre for Research in Applied Linguistics within the School of English
Candidates should have a first degree (or equivalent) in computer science,
linguistics, language and literature, or other subject as appropriate and
a PhD (or equivalent) in corpus linguistics (with emphasis on
programming), computational linguistics or other subject as appropriate.
They should also be able to demonstrate programming experience, experience
in the development of (interactive) web interfaces and an interest in
corpus linguistics and literature.
The project will build on previous research that developed a prototype of
the search program CLiC (Corpus Linguistics in Cheshire). The post holder
will be responsible for the technical development of CLiC, assist
Professor Mahlberg and Professor Stockwell with analytical tasks (with the
aim to produce co-authored publications), act as main contact for an
international end-user panel and will be involved in impact activities.
The successful candidate will receive an induction that includes
contributions from the University¹s Web Technologies team.
The interview process will include a short presentation on a task relevant
to the post, and a formal interview.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Michaela Mahlberg
( Please note that applications sent
directly to this email address will not be accepted.
For further information please visit
Date for interviews: Wed 24 July 2013
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