MATCH-UP 2015: the Third International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences
16-18 April 2015
University of Glasgow, UK
MATCH-UP 2015 is the third workshop in the series of interdisciplinary and
international workshops on matching under preferences. The first in the
series took place in Reykjavik in 2008, whilst the second took place in
Budapest in 2012.
*** The full programme has now been published ***
*** The early registration deadline is 12 March ***
*** We are still accepting submissions for the poster session ***
Matching problems with preferences occur in widespread applications such
as the assignment of school-leavers to universities, junior doctors to
hospitals, students to campus housing, children to schools, kidney
transplant patients to donors and so on. The common thread is that
individuals have preference lists over the possible outcomes and the task
is to find a matching of the participants that is in some sense optimal
with respect to these preferences.
The remit of this workshop is to explore matching problems with
preferences from the perspective of algorithms and complexity, discrete
mathematics, combinatorial optimization, game theory, mechanism design
and economics, and thus a key objective is to bring together the research
communities of the related areas.
List of topics
The matching problems under consideration include, but are not limited to:
* two-sided matchings involving agents on both sides (e.g. college
admissions, resident allocation, job markets, school choice, etc.)
* two-sided matchings involving agents and items (e.g. house allocation,
course allocation, project allocation, assigning papers to reviewers,
school choice, etc.)
* one-sided matchings (roommates problem, kidney exchanges, etc.)
* matching with payments (assignment game, etc.)
Invited speakers
* Katarina Cechlarova, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice
* Christine Cheng, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
* Herve Moulin, University of Glasgow
Registration for MATCH-UP 2015 is now open. Registration covers entrance
to the technical sessions, workshop proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches
on Thursday 16 April, Friday 17 April and Saturday 18 April, and the
workshop dinner on Friday 17 April. The early bird registration fees
are £275 for full fee and £200 for students, and the early registration
deadline is 12 March 2015. To register, follow this link:
Poster session
We are running a poster session at the workshop from 1800-1930 on Thursday
16 April. We are seeking titles and short abstracts of posters to be
presented at this session. Poster abstracts will not be reviewed; we will
simply determine whether they are relevant to the workshop. Relevant
abstracts will be accepted on a first-come first-served until our capacity
is reached. Instructions for submitting poster abstracts can be found here: We will
continue to accept poster submissions until shortly before the workshop
(capacity permitting), but in order for abstracts to appear in the workshop
proceedings, they must be received by Monday 2 March.
Important dates
* Early registration deadline: 12 March 2015
* Workshop: 16-18 April 2015
Organising committee co-chairs:
David Manlove, University of Glasgow, UK
Baharak Rastegari, University of Glasgow, UK
Programme committee co-chairs:
Peter Biro, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
David Manlove, University of Glasgow, UK
Further information
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from SICSA (The Scottish
Informatics and Computer Science Alliance). MATCH-UP 2015 is organised
in cooperation with COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice.
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