This year, WAW will be collocated with a school on complex networks and graph models held on December 7-8, 2015 with a collaborative project day on December 9.
Separate announcement for the school will follow soon.
WAW 2015 invites original research papers on all mathematical and algorithmic aspects of graph algorithms and graph models especially papers that espouse the view of complex data as networks.
Submissions are invited in, but not limited to, the following areas:
* Algorithms: graph algorithms, clustering, collaborative filtering.
* Analysis: structural properties, visualization, patterns, communities, discovery, real-world random graph models, processes on random graphs.
* Data Models: graph models, evolution, trust and reputation networks.
* Applications: web mining, social applications, web search and ranking, recommender systems, citation analysis, biological networks, molecular networks, and other complex network models.
Papers and posters must be submitted via Easychair (
The papers must be formatted according to Springer LNCS style. The maximum length of papers is at most 12 pages.
The workshop proceedings will be published as a Springer LNCS volume. Selected papers from the workshop will be invited to a special issue of Internet Mathematics.
Paper submission deadline: July 25, 2015 Paper notifications by September 11, 2015 Camera versions due by September 25, 2015
We look forward to seeing you in Eindhoven!
Organizing Committee:
David F. Gleich (Purdue University)
Júlia Komjáthy (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Nelly Litvak (University of Twente)
Yana Volkovich (Barcelona Media) - School Chair
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