We are seeking researchers to complement the team for the junior project
"Extremal graph theory and its applications" funded by the Czech Science
The web-pages of the group can be found under the following
<http://uivty.cs.cas.cz/%7Epiguet/ExtrA/index.html>. The project takes
place in Prague at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech
Academy of Sciences
The candidates ought to have a strong background in extremal graph
theory, theory of random graphs, or theory of graph limits. The position
is for one year starting September 1, 2016 or later, with the
possibility of extension. Gross salary is in the range from 30 000 to 45
000 CZK/month. There are no teaching duties. Among the conditions
imposed by the Czech Science Foundation is an age limit of 35 (with
possible exceptions for well-documented maternity/parental leave or long
lasting illness).
Please send your application with your CV and a proof of education and
arrange for two recommendation letters to be sent to ics@cs.cas.cz by
July 18, 2016.
Informal inquires can be sent to the principal investigator Diana Piguet
Best regards,
Diana Piguet
Diana Piguet
Institute of computer science
Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 07 Praha 8
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