Graph Theory group
( of the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Freie Universität
Berlin, starting from the Fall of 2017. The successful candidate is
expected to hold a PhD in mathematics or related field by the start of
the appointment and have an interest in extremal and/or probabilistic
combinatorics, or graph theory. The position is part of the research
group of Tibor Szabó ( The teaching
load is 4 hours per week each semester.
Qualified candidates are asked to submit a cover letter, CV, list of
publications, research statement, and arrange three letters of
recommendation to be sent by the reference writers. The preferred mean
of submission is via email to Ms. Beate Pierchalla
(; please write "postdoc position" in the
Subject. Alternatively, hard copy applications can be mailed to
Beate Pierchalla
Institut für Mathematik
Freie Universität Berlin
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
Applications received by December 16th will receive full consideration.
The Freie Universität Berlin (with the motto "International Network
University") has been selected as one of the "Universities of Excellence" of
Germany. In 2006 an English language graduate program, the Berlin
School (, was established in
cooperation with the other two research universities of Berlin. Discrete
Mathematics has a great tradition in the city and enjoys a unique status
(Research Training Group "Methods for Discrete Structures"
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