IFORS 2017
OR/Analytics for a Better World
21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research
Societies (IFORS 2017)
Québec City Convention Centre, Québec City, Canada
July 17-21, 2017
IFORS 2017 will be held in the heart of Québec City, at walking
distance from its UNESCO Word Heritage historic center, and will bring
together operational researchers from around the globe.
IFORS 2017 will be a memorable scientific event. The plenary speakers
are outstanding: Egon Balas (Harold Larnder prize winner), Martine
Labbé (EURO plenary speaker), Alvin Roth (2012 Nobel prize winner),
Andres Weintraub. The excellent keynote speakers will deliver tutorials
(one hour each) on a variety of topics: Stefania Bellavia
(Computational aspects in second order methods for large scale
optimization), Julia Bennell (Get packing! Key concepts and future
directions in cutting and packing problems), John Birge (Stochastic
optimization with particles and Markov chains), Sophie D'Amours (Value
chain modeling and optimization in the forest sector), Ulrike
Leopold-Wildburger (Operations research and behavioral economics),
Avishai Mandelbaum (Theompirical research in OR/IE/OM: A theory- and
data-based journey through service systems), Asuman Ozdaglar
(Incremental methods for additive convex cost optimization), Roman
Slowinski (Preference learning through robust ordinal regression),
Dave Stanford (Key performance indicators and their optimal
performance), Detlof von Winterfeldt (Decision analysis to improve
homeland security).
The deadline for abstract submission is February 10th. You can submit
your abstract at
https://www.euro-online.org/conf/ifors2017/welcome (accessible also
through the web site of the conference). Don't miss the deadline!
We look forward to meeting you in Québec City in 2017.
Irène Abi-Zeid M.Grazia Speranza
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