Tuesday, January 9, 2018

[DMANET] 3yr postdoc in Berlin

Dear colleagues,

A three-year postdoctoral position in algebraic geometry/combinatorics
is available at Free University in Berlin starting asap in 2018. The
position comes with no teaching duties and is financed from the
DFG/NCN-project HA 4383/8-1 "ATAG Algebraic Torus Actions: Geometry
and Combinatorics" Berlin-Warsaw (together with Jarek Wisniewski and
Andrzej Weber).

Interested candidates are expected to have a strong background in
algebraic geometry and its relations to discrete mathematics
(e.g. toric geometry).

Applicants should see
(approximatly after one third of the advertisements - search for ATAG)

Please send your application (with CV and a description of your
research interests) to nordt@math.fu-berlin.de, "FU-MATH-ATAG-2017"

The deadline for the applications is January 29, 2018.

Best regards,
Klaus Altmann + Christian Haase

Prof.Dr.Christian Haase Arnimallee 3 (Zi 036)
Mathematik D-14195 Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin Fon: +49 (0) 30 838-59184
skype: prof.christian.haase Fax: +49 (0) 30 838-54977

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