Tuesday, January 16, 2018

[DMANET] Full-time Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Big Data Analytics at the University of Mons (Belgium)

*** Application deadline = 14 February 2018 ***


The University of Mons announces the opening of a full-time tenure-track
faculty position at the assistant professor level. This position has a
start date of September 1, 2018. In a first stage, the person will be
appointed for a period of three years, which can be extended with two extra
years. The definitive appointment will be decided during or at the end of
this period. The appointed person will take the lead of a new research
group in the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Sciences.

Qualified candidates must have a doctorate in disciplines related to
computer science or computer engineering, and should have an outstanding
research record in the field of Big Data Analytics. The selected person
will develop research and teaching activities in this domain, will
collaborate with existing research groups of the Department of Computer
Science, and will be active in fundraising for industrial and governmental

The teaching duties include the following:

- teaching activities in big data analytics (30 hours of lectures + 15
hours of practical work) at the Bachelor level in Computer Science;
- teaching activities in big data analytics (30 hours of lectures + 30
hours of practical work) at the Master level in Computer Science;
- teaching activities in seminars in Computer Science (30 hours of
seminars) at the Bachelor and Master levels in Computer Science.

Some of these teaching activities are also part of the curriculum in
Mathematics, both at the Bachelor and Master level, and can be taken by
students in other disciplines. Additional teaching duties will be assigned
so that the appointed person will eventually have the same teaching load as
other faculty members in the Department of Informatics. The appointed
person will also be active in teaching activities at the campus of the
University of Mons in the city of Charleroi, in the evening Master program
in Computer Science. The appointed person should be capable to teach in the
French and the English language. An appointed person who is not
francophone, should be capable of teaching in the French language within a
period of at most two years, starting at September 1, 2018.

According to the Belgian law, candidate letters, written in the French
language, with a summary of titles, should be sent, by registered letter
with request for acknowledgement of receipt, to:

Monsieur le Recteur de l'Université de Mons, Place du Parc, 20,
B-7000-Mons, Belgique

*by February 14, 2018 at the latest* (i.e., within 30 days of the official
publication of this position in the "Moniteur belge" on January 16, 2018).

Candidate applications should include the following documents (in the
French or English language): a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, a list
of publications (which should be electronically accessible), a plan for
research in Big Data Analytics (maximum five pages), a statement outlining
the candidate's view on teaching (maximum five pages), transcripts of
diplomas, a copy of the five most important publications, the names and
addresses of three international experts that can serve as references.

All additional information can be obtained from Prof. Christian Michaux,
Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (doyen.fs@umons.ac.be), and from Prof.
Véronique Bruyère, Head of the Department of Computer Science (

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